News & Notices
Notice of Public Hearing CDBG Grant
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, the Town of Warrensburg will hold a Public Hearing on August 10, 2022 at 7:00 pm, Town Hall, 3797 Main Street, Warrensburg, NY for the purpose of citizen participation and comments on the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funded Housing Rehabilitation Program. The CDBG Program is administered by the NYS Office of Community Renewal (OCR), and the Town of Warrensburg is applying for $400,000 to make available to eligible Town residents towards housing rehabilitation. In accordance with citizen participation requirements detailed in Section 570.486, 24 CFR, the Town of Warrensburg will fully describe the proposed project and activities, describe where the activity will be carried out, explain how this project meets the primary and national objectives, and describe the estimated schedule to accomplish the proposed activity. Draft pre-application materials will be available for public review at the public hearing and upon request from August 1, 2022 – August 22, 2022. All comments and requests may be submitted in writing to the Warrensburg Town Hall, 3797 Main Street, Warrensburg, N.Y. 12885 or by email to the Town Clerk,
PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the location of the Public Hearing is accessible to persons with disabilities AND all persons interested in this subject will be heard at this time and place.
Pamela M. Lloyd
Warrensburg Town Clerk
PUB: JULY 26, 2022